Biggers- Beck Cemetery

Hardy Township, Sharp, Arkansas, United States


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Found this little plot cemetery several years ago with immediate plans to return. This plot is just off the Days Inn Motel parking lot and fenced. When first found several standing marker stones and several flat markers, plus a green Chevy pick-up guessing 30/40s era rusted, windows broken out, tires rotting on ground where they had fallen off, looking very much the part belonging to someone beneath the sod. Today the grounds had 3 to 4 layers of different foliage ground cover, briars in such tangle that walking was a trip and fall with every step, burial sites fallen in, hack berry thorns left broken skin to require first aid, limbs fallen from trees. Could only find 3 burials and barely the truck until leaving the property. Through the fence behind the truck, a much taller marker could be seen from the glint of the sun on the material of the gravestone.
Biggers- Beck Cemetery, Created by Team Geoark, Hardy Township, Sharp, Arkansas, United States