Ashdown Cemetery

Ashdown, Little River, Arkansas, United States


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In the late 1800’s Maloy Waddell (1855-1909) built and lived in a log cabin in the older sections of what is now the Ashdown Cemetery. Maloy later donated the land for the original Ashdown Cemetery. The cemetery was established circa 1892. The original Ashdown Cemetery was dedicated December 7, 1909. The Grounds addition became part of the cemetery in 1925. Another addition to the cemetery was started on April 10, 1941. The Phillips addition started in February 1945. Another addition to the cemetery started in the 1970’s and is the back portion of A-Section. On April 19,1985, the Ashdown Cemetery Association, Inc. was formed and continues to manage the cemetery today. The earliest marked grave is that of Mary Ann Pounds (1844-1892). The earliest birthday of an individual buried here is that of Rebecca Mann Pounds (1824-1912). Source: Ashdown Cemetery Website
Ashdown Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Ashdown, Little River, Arkansas, United States